Aquarium Cleaners

Cleaning an aquarium properly is essential to maintaining a healthy environment for fish and other aquatic organisms.
These are the steps you should follow to properly clean your fish tank:

Gather all the materials needed for cleaning: a clean bucket, a non-abrasive sponge, an aquarium siphon, an algae scraper, a water conditioner, and a thermometer.
Turn off and unplug all electrical equipment in the tank, such as the heater or filter.
Carefully remove the fish and place them in a bowl of aquarium water.
Use the aquarium siphon to remove excess water, gently vacuuming the bottom of the tank and removing any accumulated debris.
If there is algae attached to the walls of the tank, use an algae scraper to gently remove it.
Rinse the non-abrasive sponge with clean water and use a little water conditioner to clean the internal surfaces of the tank, including the walls and decoration.

Do not use soap or detergents, as they are toxic to fish.
Rinse the sponge again and rinse any dirt out of the tank.
Also clean the accessories and decorations of the fish tank, rubbing them gently with the sponge.
If the gravel or substrate is dirty, rinse it with clean, warm water before putting it back in the tank.

Check the water temperature with a thermometer and make sure it is within the proper range for your fish.
Fill the tank with fresh, dechlorinated water, using a water conditioner to remove chlorine and heavy metals.
Do not fill the tank to the brim, leave enough space to avoid spillage when repositioning the fish.
Turn electrical equipment, such as the heater and filter, back on and make sure they are working properly.
Let the water sit for at least 15 minutes to bring it to the proper temperature before reintroducing the fish.
Meanwhile, clean out the container where the fish are kept, removing any debris or dirt.
Gradually reintroduce the fish to the tank, avoiding sudden changes in temperature and acclimatizing them correctly.
Observe the fish for a while to make sure they are adjusting well to clean water.
Adjust the filter parameters according to the needs of your aquarium, such as the speed of the flow or the direction of the outlets.
Test your water regularly for pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrate levels, and take action if there are any imbalances.
Finally, it is recommended that you clean the filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions.